Sweden’s Best Kept Secret
Only 13% of U.S. consumers were familiar with Fjällräven, the iconic Swedish outdoor brand. Cactus uncovered a simple, compelling insight - Fjällräven does outdoor gear in a uniquely Swedish way, humbly crafting products to maximize use and minimize impact. Our campaign, featuring core Fjällräven products, is an open invitation for new consumers to experience quality, durability, and sustainability as they venture into the wild. Fjällräven may be Sweden’s Best Kept Secret today - but it won’t be for long.
Inhibiting Belief
I don’t need a pair of expensive hiking pants, my go-to joggers will do.
Belief Shift
Fjållråven trousers are built to last me for a lifetime of outdoor adventures.


4.4%Lift in awareness in OTT
136%Increase in landing page traffic YOY
15%Increase in awareness YOY