Happily Independent


Our Story

Cactus was founded on the belief that creativity and innovation can solve some of the world’s biggest problems.

Our shared commitment is to work for brands, causes and organizations that move the world forward. Our name was inspired by a drive through the high desert, with cacti stretching for miles in every direction. Then came a bolt of inspiration: “Cactus – Sharp Ideas That Hold Water”.  It was a promise to deliver smart, creative solutions that made an impact. The name stuck, and a remarkable, innovative agency was planted in Colorado.

Over the years, we developed a specialty in behavior change campaigns. Tackling the most daunting challenges you can imagine - mental health, smoking cessation, suicide prevention, the fentanyl crisis. This work fueled our conviction that behavior change is the metric that matters most, and that any brand can benefit from behavior change thinking.

How We Do It:

belief & behavior design®

We use a proprietary planning process called Belief & Behavior Design® built on our experience using behavior change models, behavioral economics and consumer psychology, and we use it to solve business problems. Belief & Behavior Design® is our process for getting to great work at Cactus across our strategic, creative and media services, and creating consumer behavior change that sticks.

These are our superpowers.

Brands We've Partnered With

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Got a business problem we can solve? Let's talk.